Sunday, December 16, 2012

Rebooting the Replay

I wasn't as enthusiastic about my replay as I thought I'd be. Real life got in the way, as well as promotions as work and a move. My replay stats were lost when I reformatted my laptop and forgot to backup the files.

So, time to hit the reset button and start anew. I'm making a few adjustments to the replay, though.

I'll be using the APBA master game instead of the basic game. I think that the increased accuracy in the master game will be worth the extra time investment. I also bought the 1991 season disk from APBA for the Baseball for Windows computer game. I will derive all my uncarded players from this disk, as opposed to the Bill James Encyclopedia-derived disk. Again, for the reason of increased accuracy.

The replay should start after Christmas, and I'm looking forward to getting back into rolling the bones. Wish me luck!